lymph node lymphocyte - ορισμός. Τι είναι το lymph node lymphocyte
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Τι (ποιος) είναι lymph node lymphocyte - ορισμός

Lymph node dissection; Radical lymph node dissection; Axillary lymph node dissection; Lymph node excision

Lymph node         
  • [[Micrograph]] of a [[mesenteric lymph node]] with [[adenocarcinoma]]
  • Histology of a normal [[lymphoid follicle]], showing dark, light, mantle and marginal zones.
  • Diagram of a lymph node showing [[lymphocyte]]s.
  • Lymph node tissue showing trabeculae
  • Afferent and efferent vessels
  • Labeled diagram of human lymph node showing the flow of [[lymph]].
  • alt=
  • A still image from a 3D medical animation showing enlarged lymph nodes.
Lymph nodes; Lymph Nodes; Lymph gland; Lymph Gland; Lymph glands; Lymphatic nodules; Lymphoid nodule; Lymphoid nodules; Paracortex; Lymphoid follicles; Subcapsular sinus; Lymph path; Lymph sinus; Lymph follicle; Lymphatic glands; Lymph nodule; Capsule of lymph node; Trabeculae of lymph node; Cortical sinuses; Medullary sinuses; Medullary cord; Swollen glands; Lymph Nodule; Hilum of lymph node; Medulla of lymph node; Cortex of lymph node; Lymphnode; Hilar lymph node; Hilar nodes; Lymph node cytology; Lymph node capsule; Lymph node trabeculae; Abscess lymph node; Lymph node sinus; Lymphoid follicle; Trabecular sinuses; Lymph node metastases; Capsula nodi lymphoidei; Cortex nodi lymphoidei; Hilum nodi lymphoidei; Medulla nodi lymphoidei; Trabeculae nodi lymphoidei; Lymph Node; Cortical sinus; Hilum of the lymph node; Lymphatic nodule; Medulla of lymph nodes; Medulla of the lymph nodes; Medulla of the lymph node; Medullary cords; Nodi lymphoidei; Subcapsular sinuses; Trabeculae of the lymph node; Trabeculae of the lymph nodes; Trabeculae of lymph nodes; Trabecular sinus; Lymp node
·add. ·- A lymphatic gland.
Lymph node stromal cell         
  • Diagram of a lymph node.
  • Histological section]] of a normal lymph node
  • Lymphocyte surrounded by red blood cells.
Lymph node stromal cells
Lymph node stromal cells are essential to the structure and function of the lymph node whose functions include: creating an internal tissue scaffold for the support of hematopoietic cells; the release of small molecule chemical messengers that facilitate interactions between hematopoietic cells; the facilitation of the migration of hematopoietic cells; the presentation of antigens to immune cells at the initiation of the adaptive immune system; and the homeostasis of lymphocyte numbers. Stromal cells originate from multipotent mesenchymal stem cells.
Lymph node         
  • [[Micrograph]] of a [[mesenteric lymph node]] with [[adenocarcinoma]]
  • Histology of a normal [[lymphoid follicle]], showing dark, light, mantle and marginal zones.
  • Diagram of a lymph node showing [[lymphocyte]]s.
  • Lymph node tissue showing trabeculae
  • Afferent and efferent vessels
  • Labeled diagram of human lymph node showing the flow of [[lymph]].
  • alt=
  • A still image from a 3D medical animation showing enlarged lymph nodes.
Lymph nodes; Lymph Nodes; Lymph gland; Lymph Gland; Lymph glands; Lymphatic nodules; Lymphoid nodule; Lymphoid nodules; Paracortex; Lymphoid follicles; Subcapsular sinus; Lymph path; Lymph sinus; Lymph follicle; Lymphatic glands; Lymph nodule; Capsule of lymph node; Trabeculae of lymph node; Cortical sinuses; Medullary sinuses; Medullary cord; Swollen glands; Lymph Nodule; Hilum of lymph node; Medulla of lymph node; Cortex of lymph node; Lymphnode; Hilar lymph node; Hilar nodes; Lymph node cytology; Lymph node capsule; Lymph node trabeculae; Abscess lymph node; Lymph node sinus; Lymphoid follicle; Trabecular sinuses; Lymph node metastases; Capsula nodi lymphoidei; Cortex nodi lymphoidei; Hilum nodi lymphoidei; Medulla nodi lymphoidei; Trabeculae nodi lymphoidei; Lymph Node; Cortical sinus; Hilum of the lymph node; Lymphatic nodule; Medulla of lymph nodes; Medulla of the lymph nodes; Medulla of the lymph node; Medullary cords; Nodi lymphoidei; Subcapsular sinuses; Trabeculae of the lymph node; Trabeculae of the lymph nodes; Trabeculae of lymph nodes; Trabecular sinus; Lymp node
A lymph node, or lymph gland, is a kidney-shaped organ of the lymphatic system and the adaptive immune system. A large number of lymph nodes are linked throughout the body by the lymphatic vessels.



Lymphadenectomy or lymph node dissection is the surgical removal of one or more groups of lymph nodes. It is almost always performed as part of the surgical management of cancer. In a regional lymph node dissection, some of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed; in a radical lymph node dissection, most or all of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed.